Starting the Rocket PASSPORT WEB TO HOST Administrator Configuration program
Once you have opened the PASSPORT WEB TO HOST Administrator website, there are four sections: Configure, Deploy, Support, and
Documentation. Each section provides pertinent information to help you quickly complete the installation and configuration.
- Click on the Configure link from the administrator website. This link opens up another Internet Explorer window with the
administration configuration program running inside it.
Note: The first time you click on this icon an ActiveX component will be downloaded and expanded.
The following message appears: Security Warning - Do you want to install and run PASSPORT WEB TO HOST signed and distributed
by Rocket Software. This is the PASSPORT digital signature obtained from VeriSign Commercial Software Publishers.
The purpose of the digital signature is to ensure the software is valid and has not been tampered with or corrupted during the
download process.
Note: To ensure that the latest PASSPORT ActiveX Document is downloaded and
installed, you must configure the browser security settings as follows:
- From Internet Explorer, click Tools>Internet Options.
- Click the Security tab.
- Select Internet and click Custom Level.
- In the ActiveX controls and plug-ins section, set the following options:
- Allow previously unused ActiveX controls to run without prompt: Enable
- Automatic prompting for ActiveX controls: Enable
- Only allow approved domains to use ActiveX without prompt: Disable
For the Intranet zone, the above settings are normally set by default. Otherwise, they should be
changed to match the above.
If you do not want to make changes to your Internet Explorer security settings, you can remove the
existing PASSPORT ActiveX Document before upgrading.
Note: If you are running Windows XP SP2, you might also be alerted by the Information Bar to allow the downloading
and installing of the ActiveX control before making a successful connection. The message appears as: The previous site might require the
following ActiveX control: 'PASSPORT WEB TO HOST for Internet Explorer' from Rocket Software, Inc.'. Click here to install.
- The first time you start the administrator configuration program you will be warned with an ‘Invalid license code’ message,
you will need to click on the Purchase button to enter your evaluation or purchase license code. You will then be prompted to fill
in the system administrator information and you have the option to set a password. This is an important security measure as it ensures
that only authorized administrator(s) can make changes to the PASSPORT environment.
1. Create a session profile
In the left pane, do the following:
- Expand 3270 Display by clicking the "+" symbol to the left.
- Highlight Sessions.
- Click the right mouse button to bring up the pop-up floating menu.
- Select New.
- The Add New Session Profile dialog box appears.
- Enter a name for the new session profile and press the OK button.
- The Session Profile property sheet appears.
- Enter a description for the new session profile, if desired.
- Enter the Host Name or IP Address.
- Enter any other necessary connection information.
Note: If you're required to establish a secure socket layer connection to your
host then check the option Enable Secure Connection on this screen. In order for the
SSL connection to take place, both the client and the server must have SSL configured. Check
with your host administrator for more information. If you're having a connection problem with an SSL
session on Windows Vista, please review the Troubleshooting Tips section for
more information.
- Click OK.
The name of the session profile that you have just created appears in the right pane.
2. Create a User (optional)
In the left pane, do the following:
- Highlight Users.
- Click the right mouse button to bring up the pop-up floating menu.
- Select New.
- The New User dialog box appears.
- Enter a user name (UserID) and description.
- Click on the 3270 Display tab.
- Highlight the session name that was created previously.
- Click the Add button to add the session to the list of assigned display sessions.
- Click OK.
3. Test the session profile from the server
In the right pane, do the following:
- Highlight the name of the session profile you just created.
- Click the right mouse button to bring up the pop-up floating menu.
- Select Connect.
- A new Internet Explorer window is opened and the selected session profile will be launched.
If PASSPORT WEB TO HOST fails to load or if the mainframe screen does not appear, follow the
troubleshooting tips details below.
4. Launch the session profile from a client PC
Before launching a PASSPORT WEB TO HOST session profile, the client PC must meet the following system requirements.
If these requirements are not met, you may have unpredictable results.
- Windows 10, Windows 8.1 or Windows 7 (with the latest service pack applied)
- Internet Explorer version 11.0 or higher with the capability of downloading, installing and running ActiveX component
Note: If ActiveX downloading or installation is not enabled in the browser security settings, you must download
WEB TO HOST Client Install MSI setup and install it manually first.
- TCP/IP connection to the web server
- TCP/IP connection to the host
To launch a PASSPORT WEB TO HOST session:
- To start the desired session profile access the default URL
- PASSPORT launch page is displayed and you are prompted for a user name or session name. Enter the user name or
session name created previously and click the Submit button.
- If you’ve entered a user name, a browser window appears containing the list of available sessions for this user.
- Click on the session name you want to start.
Note: The first time you run a PASSPORT WEB TO HOST session from a client PC, the ActiveX components
are downloaded to the client PC and expanded. The following message appears: Security Warning - Do you want to install
and run PASSPORT WEB TO HOST signed and distributed by Rocket Software. This is the PASSPORT digital signature obtained
from VeriSign Commercial Software Publishers. The purpose of the digital signature is to ensure the software is valid and
has not been tampered with or corrupted during the download process.
Note: To ensure that the latest PASSPORT ActiveX Document is downloaded and installed,
you must configure the browser security settings. See the note above
for instructions.
Note: If you are running Windows XP SP2, you might also be alerted by the Information Bar to allow
the downloading and installing of the ActiveX control before making a successful connection. The message appears as: The
previous site might require the following ActiveX control: 'PASSPORT WEB TO HOST for Internet Explorer' from Rocket
Software, Inc.'. Click here to install.
- Press the YES button to continue.
- If PASSPORT WEB TO HOST fails to load or if the host screen does not appear, follow the
troubleshooting tips details below.
You are now ready to use PASSPORT WEB TO HOST
5. Troubleshooting Tips
Remember: If you need to talk to Rocket Software Technical Support about your connection problem, you
will have to completely fill out the support request form from our website and obtain your INCIDENT ID number.
- If you cannot launch a session, or if the text data of the Ecomes.zwh file is displayed in your browser window,
you will need to follow the troubleshooting instructions displayed in the browser. If this occurs, it is generally
caused by the security setting on the browser or a firewall that is preventing the downloading or execution of
ActiveX components. If you cannot change browser security settings you can download Client Install MSI setup from the
Download link on the Client website and install it manually.
- If you are able to launch a session ( Tip: If PASSPORT WEB TO HOST has been successfully loaded and is running, the
PASSPORT menus are merged with the IE menus and the PASSPORT toolbar and button bars appear) but do not get a host connection,
you should get an error message generated by PASSPORT. When receiving the error, you can find solutions in the following places:
- Sometimes, the host may not handle error processing correctly or may not handle it at all. In these instances,
you may not get an error message. To resolve your connection issue, you will have to:
- Click the Communication->Connection Log menu command to view the connection log. The connection log displays the
Telnet negotiation commands sent between PASSPORT and the host system. This can be used to determine why the connection failed.
- Search our knowledgebase under the Support section on our
website. Many of the common connection problems are reported here.
Search our
documentation for common connection problems.
- If you still cannot get a connection, the last alternative is to run a Low Level Trace and email it to Rocket Software
Technical Support for analysis. To expedite your request, you will need to completely fill out a
support request form on our website.
Note: see
Running a Trace in our documentation for instructions on how to do this.
- If you’re upgrading to a newer version of PASSPORT WEB TO HOST, it is very important to
back up all of your PASSPORT configuration files BEFORE the upgrade as they will be overwritten during
installation. The following folders, subfolders and files below will need to be back up and copy back to the same
location after the upgrade is performed:
Note: Keep in mind that if you are not utilizing any of the above components of WEB TO HOST then it is not
necessary to copy that particular folder. For example, if you only configured 3270 sessions on the original server, then the 5250dsp,
Vtdsp and Wysedsp folders would not be required. Also, if you are not utilizing the Users and/or Groups feature of WEB TO HOST,
then you don’t have to copy those folders.
If you cannot get a PASSPORT SSL session to connect from a Windows Vista PC, it is possible
that your host is only configured to use the DES cipher suite for secure connection. By default, Windows Vista disables this
feature for security purposes. You will need to either re-configure SSL on your host to use a different cipher suite, or
follow the steps below to enable the DES cipher suite on your Windows Vista PC to allow PASSPORT to work:
- Go to Start Menu, and type gpedit.msc in the Start Search and press <ENTER>. There might be an UAC elevation prompt.
Just allow the action and proceed with the next step.
- Under Computer Configuration in Group Policy Object Editor, expand Administrative Templates, expand Network, expand
SSL Configuration Settings, and then double-click SSL Cipher Suite Order.
- Select Enable and append TLS_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA,SSL_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA, at the beginning of the pre-populated
string value. (Beware of the ending comma and there should not be any embedded space inside the string).
- Click OK and restart your computer.
Note: gpupdate command will update the Group Policy settings
but reconfiguration of SChannel.dll requires restart.