QuickStart Instructions for PASSPORT WEB TO HOST on IBM WebSphere Application Server

Background Information

IBM WebSphere Application Server started life as a “servlet express” in 1998 and since then IBM have shipped several versions and editions for the different operating systems and platforms. IBM WebSphere Application Server V5 was a major rewrite of the previous versions code base and was the first time that it was coded from a common code base, so IBM WebSphere Application Server across all deployment platforms, from Intel x86 to the mainframe now uses substantially the same code. This coupled with the singularly familiar and easy to use Administration console should mean that these instructions are valid for installing PASSPORT WEB TO HOST on to IBM WebSphere Application Server on ANY platform. 

Also, with WAS V5 and later, applications are installed using the administrative console or the “wsadmin” scripting interface. The WebSphere administrative console is the graphical, web-based tool that you use to configure and manage an entire WebSphere cell. It supports the full range of product administrative activities, such as creating and managing resources, applications, viewing product messages, and so on.

This document provides instructions on how to install PASSPORT Web to Host on a Windows server running IBM WebSphere Application Server 8.5.


PASSPORT WEB TO HOST is packaged as an Enterprise Application Archive file (EAR) file and it is designed to run out of an expanded directory structure. An EAR is a zipped file so the contents can be expanded using a product such as WinZip. Our EAR file includes a Web Archive (WAR) file that contains all the PASSPORT installation files so if you prefer to work directly with the WAR file, you may do so. Different application servers have different functionality with regard to deployment and expanded directory structure as discussed below:

1. Check your system requirements

Before installing PASSPORT WEB TO HOST, make sure that your web server meets the following system requirements. If these requirements are not met, you may have unpredictable results.

2. Starting the IBM WebSphere administrative console on the server

The way you access the administrative console is the same whether you have a standalone server environment or a distributed server environment. Instructions below are for a standalone server environment.

Note: <profile_home> default on Windows would be C:\Program files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer1 \ (for IBM WAS V.6.1)
           <profile_home> default on Windows would be C:\Program files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\ (for IBM WAS V.7.0 and higher)

Note: <hostname> is your host name or IP address for the machine running the application server.

The administrative console loads and you are asked to log in. Once the server is started and you are signed in you can proceed with the installation of PASSPORT WEB TO HOST.


Note: If you are upgrading to a newer version, it is very important to follow these instructions to preserve your PASSPORT configuration files.

Note: the EAR file can either be on the web application server (Remote file system) or on any accessible location by the administrative console (Local file system). The screen shot below is using Local file system path to access the EAR file.

Note: The Context Root name is the name being used in the URL to launch PASSPORT WEB TO HOST.

4. Starting PASSPORT WEB TO HOST on IBM WebSphere

5. Starting the PASSPORT WEB TO HOST Administrator website

6. Configuring and Testing Sessions